Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Going to the venue!

Tomorrow, my folks, D, one of our bridesmates and myself are venturing down to the Astin Mansion to set the date!

I am so excited! We are definitely leaning more towards November 20th. The conference issue I talked about earlier was easily solved by finding another conference that we can attend in January and after talking to friends, though 10.10.10 is an epically awesome date, 11.20.10 is just as cool and much easier travel wise.

I'm looking forward to this first venue meeting as we will be discussing a whole bunch of things-- like the food, decorations, etc, since a lot of it is all inclusive! So big post tomorrow! Also, Bridesmate JoJo and Bridal Brigadette Miller and I traveled down to Houston on Saturday to attend the BRIDAL EXTRAVAGANZA. It has to be in all caps because it is JUST SO CRAZY AND HUGE AND EXTRAVAGANZA LIKE. I am being flippant, but it is pretty damn big. I took tons of photos on my iPhone and now have to figure out how to upload them, so I can post the *brilliant* photos of bridal gowns with angel wings. Oh yes, there will be snark.


Sarah said...

Brigadette! That is the most fantastic moniker i have ever ever been given!

Mrs. Belle said...

That Bridal Extravaganza is wicked. I went to it twice (really the second time was for cake and chocolate fondue trips). I would love to see the pics.

Thanks for the update, I'm so behind!